Summary: These materials (available in English and French) include a counseling flip chart and take-home brochures for mothers on exclusive breastfeeding,...
Topic: Infant feeding and HIV, Multilanguage resources, Training and counseling | Region: Africa | Publisher Source: External, IYCN
Summary: This country brief offers a summary of IYCN’s efforts to improve infant feeding counseling in prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV...
Topic: Infant feeding and HIV, Technical publications | Region: Africa | Publisher Source: IYCN
Summary: The IYCN Project created this counseling card for use by health workers to help HIV-positive mothers visualize the relative risk of breastfeeding,...
Topic: Infant feeding and HIV, Training and counseling | Region: Global | Publisher Source: IYCN
Summary: This fact sheet summarizes IYCN’s approach to designing and implementing infant feeding and HIV activities. Country-specific approaches for infant...
Topic: Infant feeding and HIV | Region: Global | Publisher Source: IYCN
Summary: This country brief provides a summary of IYCN’s efforts to strengthen nutrition assessment, counseling, and support in Addis, Oromia, and Amhara...
Topic: Agriculture and food security, Infant feeding and HIV, Technical publications | Region: Africa | Publisher Source: IYCN
Summary: The report summarizes the IYCN Project’s accomplishments and offers recommendations for building on IYCN’s maternal, infant, and young child...
Topic: Agriculture and food security, Behavior change communication, Infant feeding and HIV, Maternal nutrition, Monitoring and evaluation, Policy and advocacy, Training and counseling | Region: Global | Publisher Source: IYCN
Summary: This report (in French) was the product of a three-day stakeholders’ meeting in collaboration with the United Nations Children’s Fund and the...
Topic: Infant feeding and HIV | Region: Latin America and the Caribbean | Publisher Source: IYCN
Summary: This country brief (in English and French) provides a summary of IYCN’s activities aiming to strengthen counseling and support services in Haiti to...
Topic: Infant feeding and emergencies, Infant feeding and HIV, Technical publications | Region: Latin America and the Caribbean | Publisher Source: IYCN
Summary: The IYCN Project developed a job aid with a checklist to help health workers support HIV-positive breastfeeding mothers to decide if they can provide...
Topic: Infant feeding and HIV, Training and counseling | Region: Global | Publisher Source: IYCN
Summary: This is a handout of a poster (available in English and French) presented at the XVIII International AIDS Conference in Vienna, Austria, in July 2010....
Topic: Infant feeding and HIV, Multilanguage resources | Region: Global | Publisher Source: IYCN